BACKBRIDGE by Dr. Sinett
Back stretcher to improve posture, relieve sciatica pain, and upper and lower back pain.
How it works Shop
Dr. Todd Sinett in New York, chiropractor
MEET inventor
5-time author, Kinesiologist, fitness trainer
Learn more About Dr. Sinett

Reviews by customers and Chiropractors

I was pregnant with twins and had been experiencing back pain since week 8. I went to see Dr. Todd at 16 weeks, when it just got to be too much for me. After my first session with him, I purchased the Backbridge, and I haven't looked back. I lie on it every evening, and it has changed my life for the better."

Heather B., mom of twins

After ten years or so of retiring from the NHL, my body started to come unhinged. I struggled with everything from neck, jaw, and shoulder tension to food and knee pain. Dr. Sinett was the only physician who told me my pain was from 30 years of being bent over a hockey stick! He taught me how to correct the effects of too much forward hunch and helped me feel great again. His solution for reversing a hunched posture was simple but changed my life!

Pat LaFontaine, former NHL Hockey Player

As a chiropractor, Dr. Sinett's Backbridge has been an invaluable tool in my office. The Backbridge is a groundbreaking product that addresses the most common of people's postural faults and corrects the product quickly and painlessly."

Dr. Peter Ottone, chiropractor

I have had chronic back pain since my days is the military and routinely go to the chiropractor but being that the virus has kept us home I decided to give this a try. Let me tell you, it is awesome [and] it gives me the relief and alignment that I need almost daily." 

Gavin W.

Finally a back relief product that works and has adjustable levels! I sit at a desk all day, which has caused poor posture, stiffness, and pain. I’ve been using the Backbridge 2x a day for 2 minutes and it had started to fix my posture and eliminated my pain! I love the 5 levels. I started at level 1 and now am on 3. 

Caitlin F.

I work at a computer much of the day and also read a lot, and I end up hunched over and stiff. The BackBridge makes such a difference for me, and it take so little time each day. My spine becomes less compressed, my posture improves, and I breathe better. My whole body is happier when I use this device. I should add that the time you spend lying on the BackBridge is also good for meditation, or just relaxing. I occasionally switch to a lower level when I’m feeling stiff, then add more levels when my body is ready for them. I also sometimes attach the BackBridge to the back of my office chair (the BackBridge comes with a strap), and it feels great to lean against.

Karen H.

This product is a life saver. I had wrecked my back from being hunched over a computer at work. I had got to the point my back was so bad I couldn’t even bend over to put my socks on and I was feeling like an old lady!. My pain is now down to virtually none and honestly on days I start to feel pain its because I have slacked off using my bridge.
This is my second back bridge. My friend visited from England and took my first one as she got so much relief for her back also.
I even now travel with the first two layers and find it helps relieve any pain after travel.
I can’t recommend this product enough!


This Backbridge has completely changed my posture and ability to feel comfortable standing and sitting up straighter. Many people have noticed the change in my back structure and I cant believe it in such a short amount of time its incredible!! It can also be used in my different way and the benefits are endless! Not only do I feel I am standing straighter but also breathing better!!!


in the news

Men's Journal back pain solutions
back stretches for cyclists Bicycling Magazine
Fast company back pain story
Invented by Dr. Todd Sinett, Chiropractor

Doctor Designed
Back Pain Relief

As seen in

Reverse the Strain of Stress, Sitting, and Exercise.

Reverse the hunch.

" 'Invisalign' for the spine,
it has 5 levels to ease posture
back to normal..."

as quoted from

Invented by Dr. Todd Sinett

Chiropractor, Fitness Trainer and Kinesiologist

Safe & stable Back Pain Management

Feel improvement after only 2 minutes, 2 times a day.


Backbridge is a 5-level fitness tool able to support ALL levels of your exercise and back health routine.

36 Reviews


Experience instant back pain relief, ease sciatic nerve pain, correct posture and sustain a healthy back with Backbridge.

No matter your age, fitness level and location of back pain, 4 minutes of back stretches a day with Backbridge will help give the relief you need.

Exercise Support

Looking for new ways to improve the strength of your core? Never do another sit-up again! The Backbridge helps you fix your core imbalances. In the book SIT-UPS ARE STUPID AND CRUNCHES ARE CRAP, Dr. Sinett outlines exercises using the basics of yoga and pilates.

YOGA and pilates EXERCISES

Pregnancy Support

There are many benefits to using the Backbridge during pregnancy, postpartum and while nursing. New and expecting moms experience back pain for many different reasons. Find out why pregnant women experience back pain and how to help.

CUSTOM EXERCISES for expecting moms

STRETCHing support

ULTIMATE BACKBRIDGE STRETCH BOOK helps you to maximize the benefits of stretching. A few things to remember when stretching: DO NOT BOUNCE, MOVE SLOWLY, BREATHE and IT SHOULD NOT BE PAINFUL. Click below for Dr. Sinett's favorite stretches for every fitness level.

Stretching Guide

Treat back pain Naturally

Whether suffering from upper, middle, or lower back pain, you are able to target the area of pain by stretching and introducing progressive extension in your spine. Gently, you will be able to realign your spine and eliminate pain.

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Improve posture safely

Back health starts with proper posture. Restore yours by spending 2 minutes, 2 times a day, on the Backbridge. This will help you fix core imbalances and reduce your back pain.

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support for all fitness levels

The Backbridge can serve as support in your favorite office chair. With 5 levels you start where you're comfortable and slowly progress toward greater flexibility and mobility (which means less pain).