5 Levels: Backbridge
Looking for back pain relief? Suffering from “tech neck”? Runner? Sitting all day long? Pregnant and uncomfortable?
No matter your current physical fitness level, or age, we have a level for you.

Why choose us?
the backbridge difference
Developed by a second-generation Chiropractor, Dr. Todd Sinett, the Backbridge is the only patented, stable back pain solution to offer a safe, progressive extension and spinal decompression solution.

With its stable base, lightweight yet sturdy foam construction, the Backbridge is safe to use for any age or fitness level. After each 2 min session your back will be stretched, your chest will feel more open, you will stand taller, and feel more energized.

I love my backbridge
Man, the back bridge is awesome! I do cross fit and this has really helped to open up my back. I started on level 1 and slowly but surely have built up to level 4. I can tell you that level 4 is a beast! It's been maybe 3 months, and at this rate, I think I might be on level 4 for another 3 months. I am really consistant - and it's party of my routine now to use it - 2 min after I wake up and 2 min later in the day. I feel better. My posture feels better. I move better. Awesome product.

The backbridge is Magic. When it hurts. No matter where the pain. In my shoulders and back and jaw and neck, the backbridge always makes it better. A couple minutes of breathing on the backbridge is all it takes for me to feel like a new person. It fixes everything.

It does a great job stretching your upper back

Absolutely love this. In just a few weeks, it's provided much needed relief.

High quality but still crazy pricy for what it is, but provides a good stretch.