Staying balanced with balance Backbridge stretches

The scientific term for balance is proprioception, which refers to the ability to sense and continually adapt to where you are in space. A high level of balance allows you to respond to your environment more quickly and effectively, thus decreasing your risk of injury.

Balance exercises will allow you to engage your core, stabilize your muscles, and align your body. Balance and coordination are crucial in obtaining optimum health and fitness but, unfortunately, are often ignored. Practicing balance poses can improve your quality of life by allowing you to become more limber and less susceptible to injuries and falls.

For example, a frequent cause of repeated ankle sprains is not necessarily from weakened ankle muscles but from the loss of balance responders. The body has a sensory-motor system that acts like a master computer. The ankle, for instance, sends feedback to the brain, telling the brain where the ankle is located. In turn, the brain responds by telling the ankle what to do. When you lose these receptors, the messaging comes through more slowly, leading to inflammation and an increased risk of injury.

These balance stretches will heighten your awareness of your environment and increase the control of your body. They will also challenge your nervous system and improve your performance in sports and other fitness activities. What I love about the Backbridge is its ability to adjust the difficulty of balance exercises by adding or subtracting levels. Adding levels makes the exercises harder by increasing instability, so ensure you complete these exercises in a safe, spacious area.


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