5 Easy Bicep and Tricep Recovery Exercises using the Backbridge, named A Best Recovery Tool of 2022 by Men’s Health

Five Easy Bicep and Tricep Recovery Exercises using the Backbridge, named A Best Recovery Tool of 2022 by Men’s Health

We all know that exercising is always a win for body, mind, and soul, but if you’re not following it up with dedicated recovery exercises then you’re missing a big step that’s beneficial to your total health.

Consider rigorous arm workouts. Whether you were lifting weights, endured an intense session with battling ropes, or even just had an extreme match of pickleball with your son— your biceps and triceps will have had a serious workout. Treat them with some needed love and care afterwards with your Backbridge for full recovery. Men’s Health named the Backbridge the Best Passive Recovery Tool in its 2022 Men's Health Home Gym Awards list, so you know it’s the perfect tool to get you feeling your best.

A prestigious honor, the 2022 Men's Health Home Gym Awards recognize the best home gym products across a number of categories including Best Connected Fitness, such as the Peloton Bike Plus and the Tempo Move; Best Garage Gym Gear, Best Home Weights, and more. In the Backbridge winning category of Best Recovery Tools, other products that piqued our interest for the ultimate recovery include the Mobility Wall Smooth Roller for massaging tiring muscles and the Hyperice X knee sleeve that delivers hot and cold contrast therapy for an injured knee.

The Backbridge has so many uses for recovering tired muscles throughout the body and helping to give you all you need to feel better. Here, we focus on the best recovery stretches for your biceps and triceps with these 5 Easy Stretches using the Backbridge.

#1 Biceps Stretch
Sit up straight a few inches in front of the long edge of the Backbridge. Reach back and place your hands on top of the Backbridge with your fingers pointing away from you.

Bicep stretch

#2 Biceps And Triceps Stretch
From the stretch above, move your hands down so that they are on the ends of the Backbridge. Pull your arms behind you to feel the stretch.

Bicep and Tricep stretch for recovery

#3 Triceps Stretch
Sit up straight a few inches in front of the long edge of the Backbridge. Reach back and place your hands on top of the Backbridge with your fingers pointing towards you. You can do this with straight or bent arms. You will feel this not only in the triceps but also in the back of your shoulders and your biceps.

Tricep stretch

#4 Shoulder And Triceps Stretch
While in the kneeling position, place your elbows on the Backbridge with arms bent at 90 degrees and palms together over your head. Bring your buttocks towards your heels.

Shoulder and Tricep stretch

#5 Triceps Stretch (Pretzel Stretch)
Lie back so that your shoulders are on the highest point of the Backbridge. Bend your arms behind your head, grabbing opposite elbows. Change grip.

Tricep Stretch


Looking for some leg recovery stretches?

Check out the Key Stretches for Runners.